Colloquium of the Professorship for Practical Philosophy Spring Semester 25

Colloquium starts on March 5, 2025.

Programme Spring Semester 2025

5. March
Daniel Lucas
“Selbstbestimmung in der Demenz“ (pre-read)

6. March at 12.15-14.00, HG E 42
Nathan Brack
“How Much Is Enough? The Limits of Moral
Obligation in Charity”

19. March
Jens Gillesen
“Contractualism and the Numbers in Outline”

2. April
Matteo Frey
“Diversity, Neutrality, and Olympic Sovereignty”

16. April
Francisca Okwulehie
“Introduction to PhD Project“

7. May
Louisa Estadieu
“Introducing Research Project on Trust”

21. May
Anna Boos
“What, if Anything, Makes Automated Decision
Making Wrong?”

Room: IFW E 42
(Except on March 6, see programme)

Time: 18:15 – 20:00

Download Flyer of the colloqium (PDF, 138 KB)

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